First in the world semi truck power/torque chip tuning service that is available 24/7!
Just log in with your credentials in our application, select desired engine type, connect & click on FLASH.
After 20-30 min, your truck will be tuned to have more power.
In 90% of the cases you don't have to wait for the engineer to remote in your computer - the server takes care of everything automatically.
In case of a tricky tuning, remote access will be required(TeamViewer).

Supported brands:
Caterpillar ®, Cummins ®, Detroit Diesel ®, Paccar ®

All tuning requires:

Our server can handle more than 100 customers at the same time, so you won't have to wait a single moment to get your tune done.

Steps are simple.
Step 1:
Login with your credentials first.

Tuning before Tuning before

Step 2:
If the login was successful, the tuning app will open.
Now you can connect to ECM, and do the ECM backup and flashing.

Tuning before